Kamis, 28 Februari 2013

Posted by Unknown On 23.58
              Hello. because its new. i want to introduce my self my name is M. Aufi Habibie A. but usually my friend call me habibie. I'm 14 years old, because i was born in June 6 1998,  I'm in 9 grade in Junior High School 3 Sidoarjo, I live at suko sidoarjo, My purpose of my life is be my self, be useful to other people and can make smile both of my parents. My Motto is : Find the means of word with chase the world and be better if both of my parent can smile with what i was do it. I must try to do little something until to be big something and that can useful for me and other people. And My dream is can be a doctor or Owner of bussines company. If i can i want be both of my dream. Ammin. Hopefully my dream can i reach with succesfully.
               I think enough about my introducing and I say thanks because you want read my intoducing. Thank you and keep spirit! .